OnePlus Z, the upcoming mid-range phone by the Chinese company, has resurfaced online with major leaks hinting at the specifications, price in India, and release date. As per one of the leaks, the phone will come with triple rear cameras, a 90Hz refresh rate screen, an in-display fingerprint scanner, and more. It is expected to be priced competitively harkening back to the days when OnePlus made relatively more budget-friendly phones. Further, a separate leak suggests that the OnePlus Z will be launched in India on July 10.
The One Plus Z or whatever it may end up being called, was reportedly spotted in as survey that was shared by one of the users on The survey listed the price and specifications of the phone and though it did not mention the name, the phone in question is believed to be the OnePlus Z aka OnePlus 8 Lite with mid-range specifications and relatively budget friendly price tag.
OnePlus Z specifications (expected)
According to the survey, the OnePlus Z is expected to feature a 6.55-inch Super AMOLED display with 90Hz refresh rate. It may be powered by the Snapdragon 765 SoC with 5G support, apart from featuring with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. The phone is said to have three cameras on the back with the primary being a 64-megapixel sensor, accompanied by a 16-megapixel sensor and a 2-megapixel sensor. A 16-megapixel front camera housed in a hole-punch is expected as well. The phone may be backed by a 4,300mAh battery with support for 30W fast charging. The One Plus Z, like the One plus 8 and One plus 8 pro, will likely have an in-display fingerprint scanner
Key Speces
Front CameraYes
Rear CameraYes
Battery Capacity4000mAh
OSAndroid 10
Front CameraYes
Rear CameraYes
Battery Capacity4000mAh
OSAndroid 10
if you have any doubt please let me know